Empowering Youth Development in the SSC Region of Puntland

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Project Overview

In partnership with esteemed local stakeholders and strategic community allies, Daryeel Relief andDevelopment, our non-governmental organization, undertook an impactful initiative aimed at fostering holistic youth development in the SSC region of Puntland. This comprehensive project was designed to empower young individuals by providing transformative opportunities, essential resources, and unwavering support to enhance their skills, educational pursuits, and overall well-being.

Project Duration:

Commencement Date: 13March 2022

Conclusion Date: 30March 2022

Project Objectives:

·     Enhancing Skill Proficiency: To equip youth with practical skills aligned with local job market needs and personal growth aspirations.

·     Expanding Education Access: To improve accessibility to quality education and educational resources for disadvantaged youth.

·     Promoting Holistic Well-being: To nurture mental and physical well-being through tailored workshops and interventions.

·     Fostering Community Engagement: To inspire youth to actively participate in community development and civic activities.

·     Cultivating Empowerment: To nurture leadership potential, enabling youth to become catalysts of positive change within their communities.

Activities and Achievements:

Customized SkillEnhancement Workshops:

o  Conducted vocational training sessions including computer literacy, tailoring, and fundamental carpentry.

o  Facilitated comprehensive entrepreneurship workshops, encouraging exploration of self-employment avenues.


Supporting Education Access:

o  Awarded scholarships and educational materials to economically challenged youth, bridging educational disparities.

o  Organized targeted tutoring to elevate academic performance among enrolled students.  

Wellness PromotionInitiatives:

o  Introduced sessions on emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills to foster healthier relationships and enhance communication abilities.

o  Health awareness camps addressed nutrition, hygiene, and mental health for comprehensive well-being.


Dynamic Community Engagement:

o  Orchestrated community clean-ups, tree planting, and environmental awareness drives.

o  Collaborated with local authorities to establish platforms amplifying youth voices and concerns.

Empowerment and Leadership Cultivation:

o  Leadership workshops instilled essential leadership qualities, boosting confidence and impactful leadership.

o  Facilitated the creation of a youth-led community center, enabling proactive project initiation and execution.

Impact Assessment:

 Skill Development:

o  Engaged 40 youth in skill workshops, enhancing employability and fostering entrepreneurial skills.


o  Provided 5 scholarships, enabling marginalized youth access quality education.


o  98% of youth reported enhanced mental well-being, attributing it to stress management techniques from well-being sessions.


o  Completed two community service projects, nurturing a sense of responsibility and ownership.

 Empowerment and Leadership:

o  97% of youth assumed community leadership roles, manifesting the impact of leadership workshops.


Challenges Encountered:

o  Resource Constraints: Consistent funding remained a challenge to sustain project activities.

o  Awareness Gap: Disseminating information to all eligible youth posed difficulties, affecting project visibility.

o  Infrastructure Limitations: Availability of suitable spaces for workshops and activities intermittently constrained progress.

Future Endeavors:

o  Sustainable Funding Strategy: Forge sustainable funding partnerships with local businesses and government entities.

o  Enhanced Outreach: Utilize social media, local radio, and community gatherings for wider project visibility.

o  Skill Diversification: Incorporate new training modules aligned with evolving market needs.

o  Rigorous Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a robust monitoring system for long-term project impact assessment.

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Transformative opportunities begin here.

Through innovative teaching methods, digital resources, and community engagement, our initiative aims to bridge educational gaps and empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to build a better future.


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