Help First

Let’s help together

The individual funds provide the flexibility to allocate a limited number of grants according to a specified schedule or based on personal preferences, directing support towards Daryeel and Development.

By contributing to our Causes, you will play a crucial role in financing a variety of projects that encompass youth development, food security, and numerous other important initiatives. Please contact us in the number below.

Volunteer Person Helping People With Smile
People Helping Each other

More people can make more impact

When more people come together, their combined efforts and resources amplify their impact, allowing them to tackle larger challenges and effect greater change.

Help us create a better world!

How Can You Make Donations To Our Causes

You can simply follow the following steps on how you can do donate to our causes.


Find one of our ongoing causes

Familiarize yourself with our ongoing causes and projects that are listed on our website.


Choose the Donation Method

Choose the donation method that you are most comfortable with. These options vary from mastercards, visa, or local payments such as ZAAD and E-Dahab.


Enter the Donation Detail

Enter the information details of the cause, and your information.


Complete the Donation Process:!

You have completed the donation for our cause. We would like to thank you in contributing to our causes.

Complete the Form

Fill Form and Become Volunteer With Daryeel Relief

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